【文章標題】: 註冊表搜尋RegScanner-1.64 繁體中文化綠色版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化網路補習班-總教頭
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/
【內容分類】: 註冊表搜尋
【附件大小】: 154KB
【作業系統】: Win9X/WinME/WinNT/Win2000Pro/WinXP
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: 本文原創:軟體中文化教學-【網路補習班】-可以轉載!請注明作者並保持文章完整。不可刪除或修改部分內容!
  註冊表搜尋RegScanner-1.64 繁體中文化綠色版
  Windows 自帶的註冊表搜尋功能單一,速度又很慢,RegScanner 這個小軟體可以彌補其不足,讓你快速、精確搜尋到想找的註冊表項目。

  註冊表搜尋RegScanner-1.64 繁體中文化綠色版
  RegScanner is a small utility that allows you to scan the Registry, find
  the desired Registry values that match to the specified search criteria,
  and display them in one list. After finding the Registry values, you can
  easily jump to the right value in RegEdit, simply by double-clicking the
  desired Registry item. You can also export the found Registry values into
  a .reg file that can be used in RegEdit.

  Advantages over RegEdit find of Windows
  * RegScanner utility display the entire search result at once, so you
    don't have to press F3 in order to find the next value.
  * In addition to the standard string search (Like in RegEdit),
    RegScanner can also find Registry values by data length, value type
    (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, and so on), and by modified date of the key.
  * RegScanner can find a unicode string located inside a binary value.
  * RegScanner allows you to make a case sensitive search.
  * While scanning the Registry, RegScanner display the current scanned
    Registry key, as opposed to RegEdit, that simply display a boring
    "Searching the registry" dialog-box.
  註冊表搜尋RegScanner-1.64 繁體中文化綠色版下載網址:


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